Primate Jokes | There are No Others | Freeing Information and more . . .

I hope the oncoming rush of the holiday finds you well. I'll be busy with other things next week, so want to take time to send along some good things I am thankful for.

  1. This is old to the internet, but new to me. It reminds me how closely linked we are in so many ways to all the animals with whom we share the planet.
  2. This video would be sweet under any circumstances, but it's more profound when you know the backstory. I'm thankful for the kindness and generosity of others.
  3. I'm constantly trying to navigate the conundrum of selling things for a living and my distaste for overconsumption. So, this upcoming season is always fraught for me. To avoid participating in all the Thanksgiving weekend sales, I'm doing a "Thanks for Handmade" flash sale this weekend. Use the code SHOPSMALL in either my new online storefront of Etsy shop for my once a year 20% off.
  4. I am grateful for people willing to risk themselves for the benefit for others.
  5. I've been blown away by all the amazing content being created in the podcast world these last few months. They have rescued me from news overconsumption while working in the studio. Here are a few I highly recommend.
  6. This time of year finds me wanting homemade applesauce. It's so easy and delicious yet people always seem astounded by it. Pro tip: use Macintosh or Cortland apples. Pro tip 2: add a pat or two of butter to kick it into apple pie filling territory.


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