All my jewelry has stories.
— Eva Green
Moment by moment we are writing the story of our lives. At adaptive reuse our stories are all about beauty, connection and transformation. Using quiet, sustainable practices, pieces are designed and fabricated by hand using simple heritage hand tools and reclaimed vintage tin. Let the story of the tin infuse yours with mystique and magic.
All the Latest Stories …

The Story of Transformation
Making is all about transformation for me. In this new Human Design series, I'm exploring how boring bits of tin can be brought together to transcend the mundane. Each piece is a reminder that we too are all collections of boring bits that somehow come together to create things of beauty.
Get connected! Wire riveting is THE most empowering way to connect materials. Using simple tools, you'll be able to connect one thing to another in no time. This is a one hour recorded class. I will also provide pdf instructions and a tool list.

Buying jewelry online can be tricky. I'm always happy to help answer any questions. Use the Chat or email me.