Intellectual Humilty | Mainely a Hermit | RIP Mary Oliver and more . . .

I made the mistake of listening to too much news this week. Here are a few good things to help remind me that not everything is upside down in the world. Hopefully it will work for you too:

  1. I suspect we all think we're open-minded, but here's new research that can help us assess and improve our intellectual humility. Take the quiz to get your IH results.
  2. Apparently everyone is throwing out the stuff that doesn't spark joy. One interesting alternative viewpoint on the matter considers its Shinto origins and another examines how "stuff" can positively impact creativity.
  3. My 30 Day Challenge finishes up in just a few days. See all the wacky earrings I've created this month in my shop or on Instagram. I've also added more pieces in time for Valentine's Day—some heart-y and others not so much. Use MYVALENTINE for 10% off and a FREE pair of these earrings for orders over $50.
  4. Do you ever fantasize about leaving everything behind and living completely alone and off the grid? Then, like me, you'll find this story captivating.
  5. Poet Mary Oliver has possibly the most profoundly simple good-life instructions: Pay Attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. I think she did well with her one wild and precious life. RIP, Mary.
  6. It never gets super wintery cold here in Central Texas, but it's often cold enough to warrant a big pot of this hearty miso soup. It's a great way to use up just about any veg you have on hand.

Hope you found a couple of good things here! If you like this newsletter, follow me on Instagram, or tell others about these good things.

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