Little Dot Delivery System: Surprise Someone With A Little Something

Buy a pair, give a free pair: Little Dot Delivery System


As this self isolation and social distancing continues on, everyone is getting restless. Don't get me wrong, it's 100% the right thing to do and, in fact, may be the largest expression of global solidarity humans have ever achieved.

But, the truth is, people are designed to be with one another. We're wired for connection and the sudden inability to reach out and touch our loved ones is a bit of a gut-punch. So, at least in the medium term we're going to need to find other creative ways to express our love and appreciation for people. All that got me thinking—how can I help with that?

What I came up with is the Little Dot Delivery System. For every piece of jewelry you buy on my site in April you're eligible to order this free pair. I'll send a mystery pair of tiny dot earrings to a friend of yours anywhere in the US for just the cost of shipping ($5.42) at checkout. There's never been a better time to get a little gift in the mail and never been an easier way for you to make that happen.

Be well,