After the holidays I always find a few pieces scattered about the shop that need new homes. I realized it was an opportunity to offer up another Surprise Pack deal for you. I only have 10 of these available, so snag a few now. Each packet has a retail value of approximately $130-$140.
Don't need three new pair of earrings all for yourself? Something in this surprise pack is certain to be the perfect gift for a friend, office mate, birthday surprise, hostess favor or kid's teacher. Giving a one-of-a-kind piece of handmade art is always appreciated and finding out it's from an upcycled material is icing on the cake.
Each piece of metal comes to me having lived a previous life--in some cases multiple lives! It is not unusual for the material to sometimes have scuffs, scratches, faded portions, and general wear and tear. If a flawless finish is important to you, please zoom in to the pictures here to look for imperfections that might be distracting for you.
All adaptive reuse pieces come to you neatly displayed on an upcycled card and sustainably wrapped ready for gift-giving.