I refound this lovely little tin in a bin this afternoon. I love that! These Japanese ladies in lovely deep pink kimonos are enjoying their beautiful, flower-filled gardens.
My Go Big initiative this year is getting me into all kinds of new territory. I'm realizing I've been severely limiting myself making things that were to my own personal scale. Not only do other people love big statement jewelry, I'm able to use tins in ways I never could before.
Each piece is hand cut, edges filed and finished smooth and then riveted to a length of waxed steel wire. A ring of charcoal gray tin is attached to the bottom of the rectangles and a surgical stainless steel ear wire finishes the look.
The finished earrings are about 1.25" (30mm) wide and hang about 4" (96mm) from the ear.
All adaptive reuse pieces come to you neatly displayed on an upcycled card and wrapped ready for gift-giving.
Please contact me if you have any other questions.
Follow me on Instagram for all the latest designs to come off my bench @christineterrell
© 2018 Christine Terrell
To see all the latest creations as they come off my bench, follow me on Instagram @christineterrell